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How Much Ribbon You Need: Measuring Ribbon for Perfectly Wrapped Gifts

I can’t tell you how many times we’re asked how much ribbon will be needed to wrap a certain number of boxes of a certain size! Calculating Ribbon Length - Method 1 (EASY) The truly BEST way to work out how much ribbon you’ll need is to grab a piece of string and wrap [...]

2024-03-18T01:42:17+00:00 March 18th, 2024|0 Comments

Thinking Christmas in July

In business, as in life, there’s no truer saying than “time flies!” And so it is we find ourselves in July braving chilly temperatures, donning our winter woollies and negotiating a new financial year. It is also the time when those with a strong attachment to celebrating Christmas when it is snowing - or at [...]

2023-07-12T04:28:00+00:00 July 12th, 2023|0 Comments
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